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Product update

More Transcription Languages

Alitu avatar
Shared by Alitu • November 14, 2023

20th October 2023

Hi there,

Thanks to the recent update, you can now transcribe in even more language.

  • Chinese
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portugese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Turkish
  • Ukranian
  • Vietnamese

We can auto-detect English (US), French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese. So if those are not the languages you speak, make sure to let Alitu know by going to Settings > App Preferences > Transcription Language

New feature

AI Generated Show Notes & Episode Title

Alitu avatar
Shared by Alitu • November 14, 2023

22nd September 2023

Hi there,

Putting together your podcast description has always been a bit of a chore among podcasters. You've recorded everything, edited your audio and assembled it all together. You're dead keen to get it out to your listeners, yet the description box is dauntingly blank. Not anymore!

Alitu can now generate a great podcast description or episode title for you at the click of a button!

When you are at the publish stage, you just need to select the "write using AI" button and shownotes and titles options will appear.

You dont need to use these, you can always just use your own.

Product update

Your "New" Recording Studio

Alitu avatar
Shared by Alitu • November 14, 2023

06th October 2023

Hi there,

The call recorder has had a facelift and some new features have been added to make it even easier to make scheduling, hosting and managing your calls simpler.

🎤 Start Recording when everyone is ready

You now have more control over the start and end of your recording. You can start recording immediately (for great behind the scenes content) or only hit the button after you have a 'welcome' chat with your guests

👀 Everything where you'd expect it to be

We made sure that all the buttons you use most often (like mute and unmute) are always on hand. And the new call screen aims to keep you informed rather than overwhelmed.

🗨️ In call- chat function

Whether you use it to send a link to interview notes or send funny comments during the call, chat is always useful. And in this update the experience got a little bit better. Send links, use emojis, all in a new, cleaner interface

🏵️ Easier access to settings (before and after the call)

Swapping to different microphone or headphones got easier too. You can now help your guests pick the right mic during your call – and before you start recording. Swap between external headphones or mics with ease and make sure the mic is picking you up well.

👥Your studio is now branded with your name

if you're named Alitu, like us, your guests will now see 'Alitu's studio' everywhere as soon as they arrive. All this to make the entire experience a bit more inviting. A warmer welcome!

New feature
Product update

Duplicate your Episodes

Alitu avatar
Shared by Alitu • November 14, 2023

11th August 2023

Hi there,

Help, I'm seeing double! Duplicate any episode

With this new update, we are bringing you a way to quickly duplicate any of your episodes. Just click this button 👇

Enter a new name and an exact copy will appear in your My Episodes page! All your intro music, transitions and fades will still be there

Create a Template
If your show follows a standard format, the new duplication feature is for you. It allows you to re-use and build on existing episodes. Let's say some of your episodes follow a 'Ask Mike' format. In those episodes you have a special jingle set up and custom tr ansitions throughout.

You can now create a template-style episode for this format and duplicate it for every 'Ask Mike' episode. This can save you a lot of time as all you have to do is add your recordings and hit 'Build episode'.

That way, you could have your next episode ready in minutes! Try it out! We hope this will speed up your workflow and would love to hear your thoughts!